Easter Photo Gallery
A Northern Plains District Easter
Palm Sunday and Easter photos taken around the District and edited with Pixl-r-omatic
Click on each image for a larger version.
- The Palm Sunday display at Stover Memorial COB
- The Love Feast display at Stover Memorial COB
- Stacks of flapjacks for the Easter Sunday breakfast at Peace COB
- The sunrise service on Easter Sunday at Panther Creek COB
- A colorful cross at Panther Creek COB
- A window display at Ottumwa COB
- The Easter altar at Ottumwa COB
- Holy Week decor at Ottumwa COB
- Parker Cage plays the trumpet at Lewiston COB’s Easter Sunday service
- Fruit served at Lewiston COB’s Easter breakfast
- A table centerpiece at Lewiston COB’s Easter breakfast
- A candle on the altar at Lewiston COB on Easter Sunday
- Ankeny altar setting during Holy Week
- Ankeny’s altar during Holy Week
- Ankeny’s sanctuary on Easter Sunday
- Ankeny Pastor Dan Sanford delivers the Easter message as John the disciple