
District News & Announcements – February 2016

February Banner

District News & Announcements

February 2016

 “District News and Announcements” is a monthly e-newsletter for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District.  District Leaders, Commissions, Committees, and those doing special ministries share information on programs and activities.  Local churches share news and invitations.  Send submissions by February 23rd for inclusion in next month’s newsletter to Hannah Button-Harrison, Interim Director of Communications,

In this issue

  1. Discerning District Leadership
  2. 2016 District Directory
  3. In Our Prayers…
  4. Message from the Moderator
  5. Did You Know: Remembering the Last 55 Years
  6. RYC Reminder
  7. District Conference Announcements
  8. Heritage Tour
  9. New Financial Secretary Reminder
  10. Ventures Announcement
  11. Leadership Development Musings
  12. Paul Shaver Called by Ivester
  13. Holiness in our Midst
  14. Pastor’s Professional Growth Event
Quick info

Calendar of Events | District Staff & Leadership Contacts | Documents & Resources

Banner photo: Peace Church in the snow; photo by Earl Harris. Send in your photos for future newsletters! Email

District News & Announcements – January 2016

District News & Announcements

January 2016

 “District News and Announcements” is a monthly e-newsletter for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District.  District Leaders, Commissions, Committees, and those doing special ministries share information on programs and activities.  Local churches share news and invitations.  Send submissions by January 25th for inclusion in next month’s newsletter to Hannah Button-Harrison, Interim Director of Communications,

In this issue

  1. Sending of the Seventy
  2. 2016 Prayer Calendars
  3. In Our Prayers…
  4. Message from the Moderator
  5. Did You Know…?
  6. RYC Reminder
  7. BDM Trip
  8. Heritage Tour
  9. New Financial Secretary Reminder
  10. Fairview Update
  11. Leadership Development Musings
  12. Do Black Lives Really Matter?
  13. Holiness in our Midst
Quick info

Calendar of Events | District Staff & Leadership Contacts | Documents & Resources

Banner photo: Toys collected for the Fairview Church of the Brethren Children’s Gift Program; photo by Diane Mason. Send in your photos for future newsletters!


District News & Announcements – December 2015

In this issue

  1. New Director at Camp Pine Lake
  2. Brethren Disaster Ministries Trip
  3. Sending of the Seventy: Instructions for Churches
  4. Fundraising Update
  5. Message for Church Treasurers
  6. Moderator Updates
  7. In Our Prayers
  8. Regional Youth Conference
  9. Brethren Heritage Tour
  10. Holiness in our Midst: On Holiday Tradition
  11. Leadership Development Musings
  12. Advent Stories and Events

Banner photo: Brethren Disaster Ministries Trip, Nov. 15-21; photo by Matt Kuecker. Send in your photos for future newsletters! Email

District News & Announcements – October 2015

In this issue

  1. Michael Himlie to Bike for Peace in 2016
  2. Circuit preacher tours SE Iowa Cluster
  3. Highlights from Sr. High Youth Lock-in
  4. Sending of the Seventy: The Needs of Our Neighbors?
  5. New Ministers of Leadership Development Announced
  6. Help Identify our Future District and Denominational Leadership
  7. Fall Board Meeting Roundup
  8. Moderator Update: Our Story, Our Song, Begins with Creation
  9. Holiness in Our Midst: On Seasons

Banner photo: Dedication of new picnic shelter at Prairie City CoB, Oct. 18; photo by Diane Gumm. Send in your photos for future newsletters! Email

District News & Announcements – September 2015

In this issue

  1. District Conference 2016 theme: “This is our story. This is our song.”
  2. Celebrating Stover Memorial CoB’s 70th anniversary: Sat., Oct. 17, 3pm
  3. Haitian Brethren hold march in Port-au-Prince to mark Peace Day 2015
  4. Job openings at Camp Pine Lake & District
  5. Holiness in Our Midst: On Current Reads

District News & Announcements – August 2015

In this issue

  1. Come to “Song of the Pines” at Camp Pine Lake, Sat. Sept. 5th!
  2. Have you heard of the “Dunker Punks?”
  3. District Conference 2015 Wrap-Up
  4. 2015 Milestones in Ministry
  5. In Our Prayers
  6. Pray for Peace – Sept. 21
  7. Holiness in Our Midst: On Gardens
  8. Brethren Heritage Tour next summer!

District News & Announcements – July 2015

In this issue

  1. District Conference is in TWO WEEKS!
  2. Prayers for the family of Mary Fruth
  3. Address to the Annual Conference by EYN President Rev. Dr. Samuel Dante Dali
  4. Staff & Ministry Positions in the District
  5. Holiness in Our Midst: On Changing the World

Quick info

Calendar of Events | District Staff Contacts | Documents & Resources

Banner photo: Nashville singer-songwriter Danika Portz performs with Ricky Skaggs’ guitarist Scott Mulvahill at the Lewiston congregation on June 19. Photo by Jess Hoffert. Send in your own scenic photos for future newsletters! Email

District News & Announcements – June 2015

In this issue

  1. Nashville singer-songwriter to perform at Lewiston CoB THIS FRIDAY!
  2. Prayers for the Helen Kerkove family
  3. District Conference: Online registration now available!
  4. Staff & Ministry positions within the District
  5. Eighty Five Years of Church Music
  6. Trauma healing in Nigeria: A cathedral of tears and forgiveness
  7. District Conference Moderator Update
  8. Holiness in Our Midst: On Fathers

Quick info

Calendar of Events | District Staff Contacts | Documents & Resources

Banner photo: “A Way Up” by Brian Gumm, taken at home in Toledo, Iowa; June 14, 2015. Send in your own scenic photos for future newsletters! Email

District News & Announcements – May 2015

unnamedIn this issue

  1. Rhonda Pitman Gingrich preaches at Bethany commencement
  2. In Our Prayers
  3. Stover Memorial CoB marks 70th anniversary
  4. Work Projects at District Conference announced
  5. Northern Plains participants in CoB Summer Work Camps
  6. 2016 Annual Conference Moderator Andy Murray to attend Song of the Pines
  7. November Brethren Disaster Ministries work trip planned
  8. District Conference Moderator Update
  9. Holiness in Our Midst: On Mothers
  10. District staffing update


District News & Announcements – April 2015

In This Issue

  1. Important District Conference Update
  2. Endless Horror: Stories from the parents of the Chibok girls
  3. South Waterloo CoB Holds “Blessing of the Tractors”
  4. Iowa Peace Network seeking new Media Editor
  5. Camp Pine Lake Cleanup THIS WEEKEND!
  6. Hamballs, Handbells, & Harmony coming up at Panther Creek
  7. Holiness in Our Midst: On Names