Leadership Development Musings: September 2016

Barbara Wise Lewczak, Minister of Leadership Development

For those of you who were not at “The 150th Big Meeting” you missed our awesome skit during “the Ministry of Leadership Development” report based on the story of Samuel’s call found in I Samuel 3.  How many of us have heard the call, the nudge, the leanings to answer the call that God might be laying on our hearts, minds, and souls?  Where might we use our gifts to further God’s story where we are planted?  Brothers and Sisters of Northern Plains District, who among those who you worship with, fellowship with, share in Bible study with might need a mentor, an Eli to help in the discernment of the call God might be placing on their heart?  Where might we be called to use our gifts to respond to the “Needs of our Neighbors” as the “Sending of the 70” asks?  Our prayer is that we will continue to be open to God’s call in our lives and in the lives of our Brothers and Sisters.    

In that regard Laura and I want you to know that we are available to visit congregations with a “Gifts Discernment” tool that we would like to share as we each discern who might have gifts for leadership in our Congregations and our District.

We would like for you to share the names of some of those who might have gifts for leadership and introduce them to us so that we may suggest classes, books, possibly provide them with a mentor as they continue to discern.  

Let us continue to be about God’s work together, many prayers for the journey Barbara and Laura

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