Holiness in our Midst: Session 133

Story Circle Prompt: Share a reflection/meditation/poem/photograph or piece of art related to the meaning of the word light in your life.
This month’s prompt is a variation of one from Messenger, the Church of the Brethren magazine, issued as an invitation to readers in the summer of 2022. Meditations, poems, and photographs related to light were printed in the January/February 2023 issue. My response was printed in the online version of that issue at: https://www.brethren.org/messenger/reflections/on-light/
The meditation follows:
A Morning Meditation: Where the Light Falls
That cloud-enshrouded morning in September, I meditated in the magnificent glass-walled chapel overlooking deep woods at the Creighton University Retreat Center in Griswold, IA. A single leaf suddenly shone brightly. The sun shifted to a cluster of leaves, then to a stand of trees. The thought came softly: What particulars should I focus on in my life today? Next, the light fell on the bronze statue of a woman (the Virgin Mary?) bent double over a child (the Baby Jesus?) called “Maternal Bond” by acclaimed sculptor Timothy Schmalz. A question came to mind: Where does the light of my devotion fall today? Suddenly, the light filtered directly on me, asking: Where can I be light today? Time came to return to my lovely group of fellow spiritual seekers back at the lodge. The retreat leader instructed us: “Meditate on the light outside the window: what is being illumined in your life today?” In the silence, there appeared in my mind’s eye an image of Jesus with a yellow Highlighter pen studying my schedule for the day. So many thoughts to ponder! I took home the good questions to also shine light on more ordinary days.
- Read the above reflection. In your journal, answer the question: Who/what lights up your life? Why? How?
- Read aloud Session CXXXIII.
- Ask each person to answer the Story Circle Prompt.
Holiness in Our Midst: Sharing Our Stories to Encourage and Heal is a monthly on-line feature created by Janis Pyle to facilitate sharing of our personal experiences, thoughts, beliefs, and spiritual practices with one another, especially through stories. Barriers are broken down when we begin to see all persons, even those with whom we disagree ideologically, as sacred and constantly attended to by a loving Creator. Each column is accompanied by a “story circle” prompt and study guides for personal and group reflection. To share your stories, contact Hannah Button-Harrison at communications@nplains.org. Janis Pyle can be reached at janispyle@yahoo.com
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