Message from District Conference Moderator
It has been a privilege for me to serve as the Northern Plains District Moderator this year. Throughout my eight years of serving on the District Board, it has been a joy to witness the board working hard to do the work of our district. I lift up in my prayers the District Board as they continue to work with and connect the people from across the district to minister together.
I appreciate and respect our District Executive, Tim Button-Harrison. Thank you for all you do for us through teaching, guiding, encouraging and being an example to us. You are a great asset to our district.
IMAGINE what God has in store . . . the theme for District Conference
To picture, envision, make up, dream, invent, visualize, see in your mind’s eye, think of, and conceive. These are some words to help us understand the word ‘imagine.’ I want us as a district to think “outside of the box,” and IMAGINE what God has in store for us. Think of the possibilities, the opportunities, both small and large that are awaiting us.
Pray that God will open your heart and mind to ways that you can be part of this vision.
Pray for your involvement and for the involvement of others.
Have an open mind to what God is telling you to do . . . then obey.
Believe great things from the Lord.
Specifically pray, “God, what do you want to do through me to accomplish your will?”
Be ready to take some new steps of faith as you IMAGINE!
My prayer, for our district, is that we provide support for each individual church. I know there are cultural differences between each church. Knowing that we are not the same but, enriched by all. Our different perspectives help our district boards, commissions, and committees make the best decisions for all. May we be one in Christ.
Blessings to our Moderator Elect, Roger Emmert, as you serve our district. I am looking forward to helping you and continuing to be active in our district.
Last, but not least, I want you to IMAGINE . . . I want you to IMAGINE participating in District activities and/or serving on the District Board, to see what a different you can make in your church, our district and God’s world!
Let’s IMAGINE together . . . as an individual, a church, and a District to see what God has in store!
Peace and God’s Blessing to each of you –
Ida Van Westen, District Moderator
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