
District News & Announcements – May 2022

District News & Announcements

May 2022

“District News and Announcements” is a monthly e-newsletter for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District.  District Leaders, Commissions, Committees, and those doing special ministries share information on programs and activities.  Local churches share news and invitations.  Send submissions by May 25th for inclusion in next month’s newsletter to Hannah Button-Harrison, Director of Communications,

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In this issue

  1. Prayers Appreciated Following My April 19 Mishap
  2. District Insight Session with Brethren Historian: May 10, 7:00pm
  3. District Executive Sabbath Renewal in 2022
  4. National Young Adult Conference: May 27-30
  5. National Youth Conference: July 23 – 28 
  6. Camp Pine Lake News
  7. Continuing Education Courses
  8. Northern Plains District Conference: August 5-7, 2022
  9. Holiness in our Midst
  10. Leadership Development Musings
  11. Jesus in the Neighborhood Grants
  12. 2022 Annual Conference Childcare Needed!
  13. Alice Draper to Serve as Cluster Minister
  14. Congregational Newsletters

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Banner photo: This is the table that the Peace Church created for their Hand washing, Love Feast, and communion they celebrated on Palm Sunday. All were really happy to be together for this service since this was the first time since the beginning of the pandemic.  Photo by Lucinda Douglas. Send in your photos for future newsletters!  Email

District New & Announcements – April 2022

District News & Announcements

April 2022

“District News and Announcements” is a monthly e-newsletter for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District.  District Leaders, Commissions, Committees, and those doing special ministries share information on programs and activities.  Local churches share news and invitations.  Send submissions by April 24th for inclusion in next month’s newsletter to Hannah Button-Harrison, Director of Communications,

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In this issue

  1. April 19 Northern Plains Insight Session
  2. Worthington to hold last service on April 10
  3. National Young Adult Conference: May 27-30
  4. National Youth Conference: July 23 – 28 
  5. Camp Pine Lake News
  6. Continuing Education Courses
  7. Northern Plains District Conference: August 5-7, 2022
  8. Holiness in our Midst
  9. Leadership Development Musings
  10. Jesus in the Neighborhood Grants
  11. 2022 Annual Conference in Omaha, NE: July 10-14
  12. Congregational Newsletters

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Banner photo: On March 20th Michelle Leonard was ordained at the Panora Church of the Brethren.  The sanctuary was filled with members of the Panora congregation, Michelle’s family and friends, plus pastors and members of Panther Creek COB, Dallas Center COB, COB at Ankeny, Fairview COB and Pickwick Baptist/Brethren from Ottumwa, and prayers from across the District were felt.  Send in your photos for future newsletters!  Email

District News & Announcements – March 2022

District News & Announcements

March 2022

“District News and Announcements” is a monthly e-newsletter for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District.  District Leaders, Commissions, Committees, and those doing special ministries share information on programs and activities.  Local churches share news and invitations.  Send submissions by March 25th for inclusion in next month’s newsletter to Hannah Button-Harrison, Director of Communications,

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In this issue

  1. March 24 Northern Plains Insight Session
  2. District Executive Sabbath Renewal
  3. National Young Adult Conference: May 27-30
  4. National Youth Conference: July 23 – 28 
  5. Camp Pine Lake News
  6. Continuing Education Courses
  7. Holiness in our Midst
  8. Leadership Development Musings
  9. Fairview COB – A Busy Saturday and Sunday
  10. 2022 District Directory
  11. Congregational Newsletters

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Banner photo: BUKURU, NIGERIA – Global Women’s Project received a one-time request to help purchase a school bus for the Theological College of Northern Nigeria Sta Nursery/Primary School. A bus would allow them to pick up and return girls and boys to school safely in this time of COVID and abductions by Boko Haram. In addition to GWP’s one-time grant, gifts from individuals, congregations, and the Southern Ohio District of the Church of the Brethren, the school received over $15,000 for purchase and maintenance of a bus and had leover funds to purchase playground equipment for the school.  From the GWP Global Links Newsletter.  Send in your photos for future newsletters!  Email

District News & Announcements – February 2022

District News & Announcements

February 2022

“District News and Announcements” is a monthly e-newsletter for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District.  District Leaders, Commissions, Committees, and those doing special ministries share information on programs and activities.  Local churches share news and invitations.  Send submissions by February 22nd for inclusion in next month’s newsletter to Hannah Button-Harrison, Director of Communications,

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In this issue

  1. February 15th Northern Plains Insight Session
  2. District Executive Sabbath Renewal
  3. National Young Adult Conference: May 27-30
  4. National Youth Conference: July 23 – 28 
  5. Camp Pine Lake News
  6. Continuing Education Courses
  7. Moderator Moment
  8. Holiness in our Midst
  9. Leadership Development Musings
  10. Annual Conference: Information Sent to Congregations
  11. Ushering at Annual Conference
  12. Congregational Newsletters

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Banner photo: Another witty sign at Panther Creek Church of the Brethren.  Send in your photos for future newsletters!  Email

District News & Announcements – December 2021

District News & Announcements

December 2021

“District News and Announcements” is a monthly e-newsletter for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District.  District Leaders, Commissions, Committees, and those doing special ministries share information on programs and activities.  Local churches share news and invitations.  Send submissions by December 28th for inclusion in next month’s newsletter to Hannah Button-Harrison, Director of Communications,

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In this issue

  1. Samuel Dali Medical Expenses
  2. Camp Pine Lake News
  3. Northern Plains Insight Session: December 21
  4. Treasurer’s Reminder
  5. District Youth Lock-in: January 15-16
  6. Continuing Education Courses
  7. Moderator Moment
  8. Holiness in our Midst
  9. Leadership Development Musings
  10. Jesus in the Neighborhood Grants
  11. Maria’s Kit of Comfort Books
  12. Remember BVS Volunteers
  13. GWP Advent Calendar
  15. Submit your Congregation’s Events to the Advent Newsletter
  16. Congregational Newsletters

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Banner photo: Lisa Ames-Kruse’s licensing service on November 7th at Hammond Avenue Brethren Church.  Photo by Raechel Sittig.  Send in your photos for future newsletters!  Email

District News & Announcements – November 2021

District News & Announcements

November 2021

“District News and Announcements” is a monthly e-newsletter for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District.  District Leaders, Commissions, Committees, and those doing special ministries share information on programs and activities.  Local churches share news and invitations.  Send submissions by November 24th for inclusion in next month’s newsletter to Hannah Button-Harrison, Director of Communications,

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In this issue

  1. Samuel Dali Medical Expenses
  2. Camp Pine Lake News
  3. November 15th Northern Plains Insight Session
  4. Continuing Education Courses
  5. Moderator Moment
  6. Holiness in our Midst
  7. Leadership Development Musings
  8. BVS Mentorship Program
  9. Congregational Newsletters

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Banner photo: A brand new Little Free Library was just installed by Rhonda and Jim Bingman in the front yard at the Church of the Brethren at Ankeny. Memorial money was used to purchase the library box, post and memorial plaque.  The box is made from composite material so little maintenance should be necessary. Jim was the first borrower when he checked out one of his own books that Rhonda donated :). A bench is planned to be added in the Spring. Hopefully the neighborhood and our own members will enjoy taking a book and leaving a book.  Photo by Rhonda Bingman.  Send in your photos for future newsletters!  Email

District News & Announcements – October 2021

District News & Announcements

October 2021

“District News and Announcements” is a monthly e-newsletter for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District.  District Leaders, Commissions, Committees, and those doing special ministries share information on programs and activities.  Local churches share news and invitations.  Send submissions by October 25th for inclusion in next month’s newsletter to Hannah Button-Harrison, Director of Communications,

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In this issue

  1. In Our Prayers
  2. Camp Pine Lake News
  3. Patrick Jackson Installation in Cedar Rapids: October 10
  4. Armouraires gospel concert at Dallas Center: October 16
  5. Continuing Education Courses
  6. Moderator Moment
  7. Holiness in our Midst
  8. Leadership Development Musings
  9. Congregational Newsletters

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Banner photo: Northern Plains group attending National Youth Conference in 2018.  Send in your photos for future newsletters!  Email

District News & Announcements – September 2021

District News & Announcements

September 2021

“District News and Announcements” is a monthly e-newsletter for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District.  District Leaders, Commissions, Committees, and those doing special ministries share information on programs and activities.  Local churches share news and invitations.  Send submissions by September 24th for inclusion in next month’s newsletter to Hannah Button-Harrison, Director of Communications,

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In this issue

  1. In Our Prayers: Don Butler (1933-2021)
  2. Camp Pine Lake News
  3. 2021 District Conference Report, Business Overview, and Board Reorganization
  4. Introducing 2022 District Conference Theme
  5. Patrick Jackson Installation in Cedar Rapids: October 10
  6. Continuing Education Courses
  7. Holiness in our Midst
  8. Leadership Development Musings
  9. Dick Burger Honored at the Iowa State Fair
  10. Paul Shaver Called to Bethany Seminary, Concludes Ministry with Ivester
  11. BVS Volunteers Needed
  12. Congregational Newsletters

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Banner photo: Participants gather over zoom for our virtual District Conference.  Photo by Paul Shaver. Send in your photos for future newsletters!  Email

District News & Announcements – August 2021

District News & Announcements

August 2021

“District News and Announcements” is a monthly e-newsletter for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District.  District Leaders, Commissions, Committees, and those doing special ministries share information on programs and activities.  Local churches share news and invitations.  Send submissions by August 25th for inclusion in next month’s newsletter to Hannah Button-Harrison, Director of Communications,

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In this issue

  2. DC Young Adult Worship Service
  3. Camp Pine Lake News
  4. Panora Pancake Breakfast & Ice cream social
  5. Disaster Ministries Building Project, King Lake, NE
  6. Continuing Education Courses
  7. Holiness in our Midst
  8. Leadership Development Musings
  9. National Youth Conference 2022
  10. Feeding America campaign for the Northern Plains District
  11. NOAC Scholarships
  12. CoB Olympic Athletes
  13. Congregational Newsletters

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Banner photo: Campers and counselors acting silly.  Photo by Betsy Kuecker. Send in your photos for future newsletters!  Email

District News & Announcements – June 2021

District News & Announcements

June 2021

“District News and Announcements” is a monthly e-newsletter for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District.  District Leaders, Commissions, Committees, and those doing special ministries share information on programs and activities.  Local churches share news and invitations.  Send submissions by June 24th for inclusion in next month’s newsletter to Hannah Button-Harrison, Director of Communications,

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In this issue

  1. Thomas McMullin Ordination Ceremony – June 6
  2. Camp Pine Lake News
  3. Dave Kerkove’s Turtle Jubilee Birthday Party – July 18
  4. Dallas Center Ice Cream Social – July 21st
  5. 2021 Virtual District Conference
  6. Moderator Moment
  7. Holiness in our Midst
  8. District-wide Compelling Vision Bible Study Continues
  9. Feeding America campaign for the Northern Plains District
  10. NOAC Scholarships
  11. Congregational Newsletters

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Banner photo: This tree frog was found visiting the red house at Camp Pine Lake.  Photo by Betsy Kuecker. Send in your photos for future newsletters!  Email