Leadership Development Musings: March 2016

Laura Leighton-Harris, Minister of Leadership Development

I participated in the webinar led by Steve Crain titled: From Call to Empty Tomb: Encounters with Jesus.

This was actually a retreat style webinar, which I found to be very refreshing and at a good time as we are in the Lenten season. So, for this month’s article I thought I would share the scriptures we meditated on as well as the seed questions Steve posed for us to ponder in relation to the scriptures. How might you and/or your congregation respond to these seed questions as you journey through this Lenten & Easter season?

Mark 1:16-20/Seed Questions:

*What fish have you been seeking? With what boat and nets?

*Has Jesus recently called you afresh “follow me?”

*Is it hard to follow?

Mark 4:35-41/Seed Questions:

*Did you see or feel the storm coming?

*What is the wind tossing your boat?

*Where is Jesus? What is he saying to you?

Matthew 26:26-29/Seed Questions:

*Jesus, the loaf, the wine, the table, the Upper Room. Who else has gathered at Jesus’s table with you?

*You’ve come to this table. What are you hungry for? What are you thirsty for?

*Where in your life is Jesus whispering: “I Am the bread; I Am the wine?”

Luke 24:1-5/Seed Questions:

*Is there a seed you long to see rolled away?

*Where are you discovering New Life where once you feared you would only find death?

*How are you hearing the words, “He is risen!” in your life?

14 from our congregation also gathered this past Saturday to watch and discuss together the Congregational Ethics webinar. These webinars are great avenues of continued education on a variety of topics and can easily be done as a group too. Just go to the McPherson website and type in Ventures and you will find those upcoming and those that are archived and register.


Laura Leighton-Harris & Barbara Wise Lewzcak

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