
Special District Conference Announcements

District Conference 2020

Our 2020 Northerns Plains District Conference will be a virtual conference this year on July 31 – August 2!  We will be using the technology platforms of ZOOM and YouTube. The planning committee is planning a meaningful program of worship, an insight session, along with our worshipful work business session and some fun, fellowship time!  We are still asking you to register for conference this year.  For you to take part in conference, we need your email address and your phone number along with your mailing address so we can share needed information with you. We are very aware and sensitive about those without email and/or computer. We are doing our best to accommodate these persons.

Full Registration Packet – To be printed, filled out, and sent by mail – DUE JULY 22
– Cover Letter
– Registration Form
– Schedule
– Service Projects

Online Registration – You can register here instead of using the packet

District Payment Website – For donating and ordering printed DC booklets

Registration and other District Conference information may be found at   Please check back for updates and information of how to log-in to District Conference events.  Please let me know if you have any questions!

District Conference Support, Ida Van Westen
phone/text 507-360-7387 email:

Northern Plains District Conference

July 31,  August 1 and 2, 2020
Moderator, Lucinda Douglas
2020 THEME

One body together, helping each other!
Galatians 6:2     |     1 Corinthians 12: 12-31

Moderator Sermon

Since she is unable to visit in person, our 2020 District Conference moderator, Lucinda Douglas, has recorded a sermon to share with all congregations in the district.  Please click the image above to view and share Lucinda’s message!

District News & Announcements – March 2020

District News & Announcements

March 2020

“District News and Announcements” is a monthly e-newsletter for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District.  District Leaders, Commissions, Committees, and those doing special ministries share information on programs and activities.  Local churches share news and invitations.  Send submissions by March 25th for inclusion in next month’s newsletter to Hannah Button-Harrison, Director of Communications,

Trouble viewing pictures and videos? 
Click here to view the newsletter in your browser.

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In this issue

  1. In our Prayers: Todd Himlie (1958-2020)
  2. Panora Soup Luncheon: March 15 & Ecumenical Service: April 9
  3. Shawn Kirchner and the LA Master Chorale in Iowa City: March 28
  4. Jr. Youth Lock-in: March 28-29
  5. Camp Pine Lake: Cleanup Day: April 4, Call for Campers & Counselors
  6. Continuing Education Courses
  7. Nurture Commission Announcement: Youth and Young Adult Scholarships
  8. District Conference 2020 Updates
  9. Message from the Moderator
  10. Holiness in our Midst – On Small Groups
  11. Leadership Development Musings
  12. Congregational Newsletters
Quick info
Calendar of Events | District Staff & Leadership Contacts | Documents & Resources

Banner photo: South Waterloo Church serves monthly at Waterloo Salvation Army.  Photo taken by Diane Sittig. Send in your photos for future newsletters! Email

District News & Announcements – February 2020

District News & Announcements

February 2020

“District News and Announcements” is a monthly e-newsletter for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District.  District Leaders, Commissions, Committees, and those doing special ministries share information on programs and activities.  Local churches share news and invitations.  Send submissions by February 23rd for inclusion in next month’s newsletter to Hannah Button-Harrison, Director of Communications,

Get a printable version of the newsletter here.

Trouble viewing pictures and videos?
Click here to view the newsletter in your browser.

In this issue

  1. In our Prayers: A Letter from the Himlie Family
  2. District Executive Sabbath Renewal Plan 2020
  3. Continuing Education Courses
  4. Faithful Readiness Workshop in Ames: March 5
  5. Western Plains Men’s Retreat: March 27-28
  6. Shawn Kirchner and the LA Master Chorale in Iowa City: March 28
  7. Nurture Commission Announcement: Youth and Young Adult Scholarships
  8. Camp Pine Lake: Dates & Employment Opportunities
  9. Message from the Moderator
  10. Holiness in our Midst – On Stewardship
  11. Leadership Development Musings
  12. District Peace & Justice Commission
  13. Dr. Tod Bolsinger & Dr. Michael Gorman to speak at 2020 Annual Conference
  14. Moderator Paul Mundey’s “Trail Thoughts”
  15. Global Women’s Project Resources
  16. Congregational Newsletters
Quick info

Calendar of Events | District Staff & Leadership Contacts | Documents & Resources

Banner photo: August 16, 1990 – Two young pastors in Northern Plains District, Tim and Mary Jane Button-Harrison, in front of a red horse trailer belonging to Fred and Dee Reynolds.  All their worldly possessions are In that trailer as they are being moved from Panora, IA, where they had been serving as student pastors, to Ankeny, IA where they have been called to serve as Co-Pastors of the Ankeny Church of the Brethren.”   Photo taken by Dee Reynolds. Send in your photos for future newsletters! Email

District News & Announcements – December 2019

District News & Announcements

December 2019

“District News and Announcements” is a monthly e-newsletter for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District.  District Leaders, Commissions, Committees, and those doing special ministries share information on programs and activities.  Local churches share news and invitations.  Send submissions by December 29th for inclusion in next month’s newsletter to Hannah Button-Harrison, Director of Communications,

Get a printable version of the newsletter here.

Trouble viewing pictures and videos?
Click here to view the newsletter in your browser.

In this issue

  1. In Our Prayers: Marilyn Coffman & June Grove
  2. Celebrating New Life: Justus Paul Mauslein
  3. Abbey Beck Brunk to Conclude Work as Camp Director
  4. Employment Opportunities at Camp Pine Lake
  5. District Advent Calendar & Panora Festival of Trees: Dec. 8th
  6. Nurturing Vital Spirituality Course with Rhonda Pittman-Gingrich
  7. Allocations Deadline: December 20
  8. Message from the Moderator
  9. Holiness in our Midst – On ‘Filling Your Cup’
  10. Leadership Development Musings
  11. National Young Adult Conference Reflection
  12. Remember BVS Volunteers this Christmas
  13. Congregational Newsletters
Quick info

Calendar of Events | District Staff & Leadership Contacts | Documents & Resources

Banner photo: Ivester Church’s World Communion Sunday worship center, featuring eleven breads from around the world.  Photo by Marlene Neher. Send in your photos for future newsletters! Email

District News & Announcements – May 2019

District News & Announcements

May 2019

“District News and Announcements” is a monthly e-newsletter for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District.  District Leaders, Commissions, Committees, and those doing special ministries share information on programs and activities.  Local churches share news and invitations.  Send submissions by May 25th for inclusion in next month’s newsletter to Hannah Button-Harrison, Director of Communications,

Get a printable version of the newsletter here.

In this issue

  1. Global Women’s Project Mother’s Gratitude Project
  2. Spring Women’s Retreat: May 2-4 & Speaker Carol Leland: May 3rd
  3. An Ecumenical Prayer for Peace in Kansas City: May 15th
  4. Camp Updates & Manchester Choir Concert: May 21st
  5. Ivester Garage & Bake Sale: June 1st
  6. Ethics for Set-Apart Ministry: Basic Course training on June 1st
  7. National Older Adult Conference
  8. District Conference Updates
  9. Holiness in our Midst
  10. Leadership Development Musings
  11. Witness Service Projects
  12. Todd Yeaton, Fredericksburg Pastor, to Retire
  13. COB Uganda Pastor Bwambale’s Easter Greeting
  14. Congregational Newsletters
Quick info
Calendar of Events | District Staff & Leadership Contacts | Documents & Resources

Banner photo: A group of singers share a piece of music at the Ankeny Stover music festival.  Photo by Barbara Wise Lewczak. Send in your photos for future newsletters! Email

Hammond Avenue Church Calls New Pastor: Dane Mauslein

Tim Button-Harrison, District Executive

On December 10, 2017, Hammond Avenue Brethren Church (Waterloo, IA) called Dane Mauslein as their new pastor.  He is from Nebraska and Kansas, is married to Caitlin, and recently graduated from Ashland Theological Seminary in Ohio with an M.Div. degree.  Dane and Caitlin arrived in Waterloo January 20, he officially starts February 11, and his installation service is February 18 during worship followed by a Soup for the Soul meal.  Tim Button-Harrison, Church of the Brethren District Executive, will preach the installation sermon, and Lee Compson of the Brethren Church will lead the installation.  District folks are encouraged to attend the installation service and/or send notes of welcome and support to Dane and Caitlin Mauslein, 1614 Hammond Avenue, Waterloo, IA 50702 or

Last year Hammond Avenue’s Pastor Larry McKinney announced his plans to retire.  He began his ministry with Hammond Avenue in April 2012 and the congregation held a special celebration of his ministry on January 21.  Notes of appreciation for his ministry and involvement in the district may be sent to Larry and Linda McKinney, 2209 Cypress, Cedar Falls, IA 50613 or

Dane Mauslein shares the following on his background, work and education.

“I was born in Falls City, Nebraska and was raised in Hiawatha, Kansas. Growing up, I attended Falls City First Brethren Church. In May of 2009, I graduated with my Associate of Arts degree from Highland Community College (HCC) in Highland, Kansas. While there, I was an academic tutor and also a member of the Academic Excellence Challenge team. I was also a member HCC’s Track and Field team. After graduating from HCC, I continued my education at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas. My time at Washburn was quite fruitful. I was an AmeriCorps volunteer at a community-based resource organization, known as Let’s Help, Inc. I served people pursuing their general education degree and helped in several other areas. Also, I was able to complete an addiction counseling internship of over 700 hours with Valeo Recovery Center of Topeka, Kansas.

“I graduated from Washburn University with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Human Services with an emphasis in Addiction Counseling, Summa Cum Laude. Prior to graduating I was licensed within the State of Kansas as an addiction counselor. Most important of all my wife, Caitlin, and I met during our time at Washburn, as Caitlin was also studying to be a nurse. Upon graduating in December of 2011, I moved to Norton, Kansas to work as a Licensed Addiction Counselor for Valley Hope, a nationally-recognized residential addiction treatment program.

“After reconnecting, Caitlin and I were married on June 8, 2014. We then moved to Ashland, Ohio where I recently completed my Master of Divinity degree this past December. We were able to actively participate in ministries at Park Street Brethren Church in Ashland, Ohio. I also had the privilege of serving Trinity Brethren Church of North Canton, Ohio as their Intentional Transitional Pastor. Caitlin and I are now settling into Waterloo, Iowa. We are excited to engage in what God is already doing at Hammond Avenue Brethren Church and the surrounding community.”

District News & Announcements – January 2017

District News & Announcements

January 2017

 “District News and Announcements” is a monthly e-newsletter for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District.  District Leaders, Commissions, Committees, and those doing special ministries share information on programs and activities.  Local churches share news and invitations.  Send submissions by January 25th for inclusion in next month’s newsletter to Hannah Button-Harrison, Interim Director of Communications,

Get a printable version of the newsletter here.

District News & Announcements – June 2016

June Banner

District News & Announcements

June 2016

 “District News and Announcements” is a monthly e-newsletter for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District.  District Leaders, Commissions, Committees, and those doing special ministries share information on programs and activities.  Local churches share news and invitations.  Send submissions by June 24th for inclusion in next month’s newsletter to Hannah Button-Harrison, Interim Director of Communications,
Get a printable version of the newsletter here.

District News & Announcements – April 2016

District News & Announcements

April 2016

 “District News and Announcements” is a monthly e-newsletter for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District.  District Leaders, Commissions, Committees, and those doing special ministries share information on programs and activities.  Local churches share news and invitations.  Send submissions by April 24th for inclusion in next month’s newsletter to Hannah Button-Harrison, Interim Director of Communications,
Get a printable version of the newsletter here.

In this issue

  1. Christina Singh Accepts Call from Freeport, IL COB
  2. A Thank You to the District from Christina and Alfred Singh
  3. In Our Prayers: Families of Dale Smalley and Mary Jo Flory-Steury
  4. Message from the Moderator
  5. Did You Know: Paul Miller – Camp Pine Lake’s Greatest Visionary
  6. Get Ready for the District Conference Auction!
  7. District Conference Announcements
  8. Camp Pine Lake Newsletter
  9. Submit Photos for a Congregational Collage 
  10. Ventures Announcement
  11. Leadership Development Musings
  12. District Histories Now Available Online
  13. Holiness in our Midst
  14. Can You Identify This Church?
Quick info

Calendar of Events | District Staff & Leadership Contacts | Documents & Resources

Banner photo: Love Feast at Iowa River Church of the Brethren; photo by Diana Lovett. Send in your photos for future newsletters!  Email

District News & Announcements – March 2016

District News & Announcements

March 2016

 “District News and Announcements” is a monthly e-newsletter for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren in the Northern Plains District.  District Leaders, Commissions, Committees, and those doing special ministries share information on programs and activities.  Local churches share news and invitations.  Send submissions by March 25th for inclusion in next month’s newsletter to Hannah Button-Harrison, Interim Director of Communications,